AD4FM-7 messages

fromtotime message
APRSPH AD4FM-7 03/13 00:53:07z Reply Logged:0313 0053Z -KC8OWL & DU2XXR
AD4FM-7 APRSPH 03/13 00:53:06z Send another HOTG Greetings from Chatt, TN89
AD4FM-7 APRSPH 03/13 00:53:02z Send another HOTG Greetings from Chatt, TN{89
WLNK-1 AD4FM-7 03/08 01:44:16z Reply You have 2 Winlink mail messages pending{9024
WLNK-1 AD4FM-7 03/06 23:48:41z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{8915
APRSPH AD4FM-7 03/06 02:31:46z Reply Logged:0306 0231Z -KC8OWL & DU2XXR
AD4FM-7 YD0BCX-9 03/06 02:31:43z Send another N:HOTG Greetings from Chatt, TN
AD4FM-7 APRSPH 03/06 02:31:41z Send another HOTG Greetings from Chatt, TN{88