AD8NT-1 messages

fromtotime message
AD8NT-1 AD8NT 09/07 05:58:44z Send another 1234567{YI}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT 09/07 05:52:01z Send another This is just a test{YH}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT 09/07 05:44:19z Send another testing123{YG}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT 09/07 05:42:09z Send another test{TG}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT 09/06 04:33:56z Send another test{AH}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:53:20z Reply pong {YY}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:53:15z Send another ping{YY}YX
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:52:30z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 2s {YX}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:52:25z Send another status{YX}YN
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:51:58z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 45s{718}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:51:23z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 10s{683}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:49:31z Send another ping{YW}YN
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:42:31z Reply pong
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:42:26z Send another ping{YV}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:41:45z Send another commands{YU}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:41:11z Send another status{YT}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:40:47z Send another help{YS}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:39:30z Send another pong{YR}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:39:05z Send another test{YQ}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:38:36z Send another ping{YP}YN
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:37:25z Send another test{YO}YN
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 03:34:14z Reply pong {YN}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:34:09z Send another ping{YN}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:33:09z Send another test{YM}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 03:29:41z Send another ping{LI}LH
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 01:08:08z Reply pong {LH}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 01:07:23z Send another ping{LH}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 01:05:24z Send another ping{LG}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 01:04:38z Send another status{FS}FQ
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 01:01:22z Send another status{FR}FQ
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 01:00:04z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 9s {FQ}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:59:19z Send another status{FQ}FO
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:56:40z Send another ping{FP}FO
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:53:27z Reply pong {FO}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:53:22z Send another ping{FO}FN
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:50:59z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 5s {FN}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:50:54z Send another status{FN}FM
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:47:31z Reply pong {FM}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:47:26z Send another ping{FM}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:44:41z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 1m 44s {3}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:44:08z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 1m 11s {2}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/06 00:43:33z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 36s {1}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/06 00:43:28z Send another status{WI}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 22:59:59z Send another Good{RI}
AD8NT-7 AD8NT-1 09/05 22:52:57z Reply Message was received {15
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 22:51:45z Send another This is a test message with ack on each side{PL}
AD8NT-7 AD8NT-1 09/05 20:35:07z Reply Got it {14
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 20:29:53z Reply pong{1}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 20:29:47z Send another ping{RH}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 20:19:05z Send another Testing{RG}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 20:08:02z Send another test{RF}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:30:15z Send another ping{LK}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:28:52z Reply ISS {1-4
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:28:47z Reply NTSGTE, WHO-IS, MPAD, SATBOT, APSPOT, WTSAPP, {1-3
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:28:41z Reply DAGA, ANSRVR, SMS, SHUB, APRPH, REPEAT, WXYZ, {1-2
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:28:37z Reply Known Services: Send name for more info. WXBOT, {1-1
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:28:31z Send another list{LJ}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:28:00z Reply pong {1-1
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:27:55z Send another ping{LI}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:27:23z Reply ISS {1
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:27:18z Reply NTSGTE, WHO-IS, MPAD, SATBOT, APSPOT, WTSAPP, {1
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:27:13z Reply DAGA, ANSRVR, SMS, SHUB, APRPH, REPEAT, WXYZ, {1
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 06:27:08z Reply Known Services: Send name for more info. WXBOT, {1
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:25:13z Send another list{LH}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:25:08z Send another lislt{LG}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:23:53z Send another ping{LF}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 06:20:36z Send another ping{LE}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 05:16:30z Reply pong {1
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 05:15:40z Send another ping{LD}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 05:13:34z Send another ping{LC}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 05:12:50z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 9s {1
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 05:11:35z Send another status{LB}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 05:06:36z Send another status{LA}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 05:05:25z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 4m 51s {2
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 05:04:45z Send another status{KZ}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:46:02z Send another list{LS}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:35:41z Reply ISS {4}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:35:36z Reply NTSGTE, WHO-IS, MPAD, SATBOT, APSPOT, WTSAPP, {4}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:35:31z Reply DAGA, ANSRVR, SMS, SHUB, APRPH, REPEAT, WXYZ, {4}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:35:26z Reply Known Services: Send name for more info. WXBOT, {4}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:35:21z Send another list{LR}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:31:42z Reply Available commands: time commands list status {1}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:31:36z Send another commands{LQ}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:31:13z Send another help{LP}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 04:28:08z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 19s {1}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:27:33z Send another status{LO}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 04:26:59z Send another status{BQ}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 04:19:51z Send another test{BP}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 04:06:02z Send another I'm glad this is finally working{BO}
AD8NT-7 AD8NT-1 09/05 04:05:34z Reply Hello{13
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 03:41:40z Send another wxbot{BN}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 03:41:33z Send another list wxbot{BM}
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 03:40:50z Reply Known Services: Send name for more info. WXBOT
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 03:40:45z Send another list{BL}
AD8NT-1 K8SDR 09/05 03:40:16z Send another list wxbot{BK}
AD8NT-1 AD8NT-7 09/05 03:32:09z Send another I hear you loud and clear{BJ}
AD8NT-7 AD8NT-1 09/05 03:31:06z Reply Testing {12
K8SDR AD8NT-1 09/05 03:12:26z Reply Bot is operational. Uptime: 0d 0h 0m 18s