K6MBY messages

fromtotime message
K6MBY WB4KGY-9 09/19 21:56:13z Send another About Home{AW}
K6MBY WY7W 09/19 14:22:39z Send another Really bummed that cannot make Salmon Run{AV}
K6MBY K6MBY 09/12 14:56:35z Send another BITS.11111111,Battery State Tracking
K6MBY K6MBY 09/12 14:56:35z Send another EQNS.0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,10,-1280,0,1,0
K6MBY K6MBY 09/12 14:56:35z Send another UNIT.Percent,Charge/On/Off,Sats/On/Off,mA,N/A,On,Yes,On,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A
K6MBY K6MBY 09/12 14:56:35z Send another PARM.Battery,Charging/AC,GPS+Sat,Current,A5,A/C,Charging,GPS,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8
KC7MOF K6MBY 09/10 20:31:23z Reply rejPT}
W7HRM-6 K6MBY 09/10 15:37:22z Reply Good morning Bob, you won't believe this ...{6
K6MBY KC7MOF 09/10 14:11:51z Send another W7W/NO035 13.5mi SSE SOTA activ. planned on 20240911 1745z SOTA
K6MBY KC7MOF 09/10 14:10:49z Send another Good morning EOC!!{PT}
K6MBY WY7W 09/10 14:09:18z Send another Chris, what app did you use to create these objects? Bob{PS}
K6MBY W7HRM-6 09/10 14:06:47z Send another Morning Herm. Chat message developed on APRSIS/32{PR}