KB7DLG messages

fromtotime message
KB7DLG MPAD 08/29 23:01:30z Send another wx{26
MPAD KB7DLG 08/29 23:01:00z Reply wind:5-5mph SSE cld:20% hPa:1018{PT
MPAD KB7DLG 08/29 23:00:54z Reply today Wx KB7DLG Moderate Day:87F Eve:87F avghum:60% uvi:0.3{PS
MPAD KB7DLG 08/29 23:00:40z Reply wind:5-5mph SSE cld:20% hPa:1018{PR
MPAD KB7DLG 08/29 23:00:34z Reply today Wx KB7DLG Moderate Day:87F Eve:87F avghum:60% uvi:0.3{PQ
KB7DLG MPAD 08/29 23:00:30z Send another wx{27
EMAIL KB7DLG 08/24 19:31:12z Reply Email sent to dustingreen@me.com{562
KB7DLG EMAIL 08/24 19:31:12z Send another dustingreen@me.com hi {25
EMAIL KB7DLG 08/24 15:35:59z Reply Email sent to dustingreen@me.com{561
KB7DLG EMAIL 08/24 15:35:57z Send another dustingreen@me.com hi{24
EMAIL KB7DLG 08/24 15:30:56z Reply Invalid Request!{560
KB7DLG EMAIL 08/24 15:30:56z Send another @dustingreen@me.com hi{22
SMS KB7DLG 08/24 15:25:06z Reply @2083516972 Got it. Thanks{895
KB7DLG SMS 08/24 15:24:31z Send another @2083516972 hi{20
EMAIL-2 KB7DLG 08/23 02:07:02z Reply Email sent to DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM{P3}01
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 08/23 02:07:02z Send another DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM THIS IS A TEST{01}
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 07/31 00:16:14z Send another DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST{01}
EMAIL-2 KB7DLG 07/31 00:15:19z Reply Email sent to DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM{1A}01
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 07/30 23:49:35z Send another DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 : 07/27 23:16:04z Send another USTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST
KB7DLG SMS 07/21 23:21:27z Send another @2083516972 TEST
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 07/21 04:27:07z Send another :DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST MSG{01}
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 07/21 04:05:29z Send another :DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST.
KB7DLG KB7DLG 07/21 03:36:42z Send another :TEST
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 07/21 03:30:26z Send another :@DUSTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST.
KB7DLG EMAIL-2 : 07/21 03:24:40z Send another USTINGREEN@ME.COM TEST 2
KB7DLG KB7DLG:TE 07/21 03:17:58z Send another T
KB7DLG SMS 07/21 02:52:10z Send another @2083516972 I'M HOME.
KB7DLG MPAD 07/18 23:36:45z Send another repeater 2m17
KB7DLG MPAD 07/18 23:36:39z Send another repeater 2m{17
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:34:15z Reply See http://www.irlp.net/status/index.php?nodeid=8087 FM EM64rr66
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:34:09z Reply location Dst 18 mi 25 deg NNE 146.9400-0.6 MHz Enc 100.0 Dec 100.0
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:33:14z Reply Internet-connected IRLP node owned by W4FMX. http://www.n4hsv.net
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:32:22z Reply See http://www.irlp.net/status/index.php?nodeid=8087 FM EM64rr66{AK
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:32:17z Reply Internet-connected IRLP node owned by W4FMX. http://www.n4hsv.net{AJ
MPAD KB7DLG 07/18 23:32:10z Reply location Dst 18 mi 25 deg NNE 146.9400-0.6 MHz Enc 100.0 Dec 100.0{AI
KB7DLG SMS 07/13 05:46:06z Send another @2083516972 I DNT THK ALIAS WKS
KB7DLG SMS 07/13 05:43:19z Send another @DUSTIN TEST ALIAS
KB7DLG SMS 07/13 05:41:09z Send another #ALIAS #ADD DUSTIN 2083576972
KB7DLG SMS 07/13 05:31:53z Send another @DUSTIN WITH ALIAS
SMS KB7DLG 07/13 05:29:24z Reply Invalid Command or Msg!{348
KB7DLG SMS :@2 07/13 05:24:53z Send another 83516972 TEST
KB7DLG SMS :@D 07/13 05:23:18z Send another STIN TEST
SMS KB7DLG 07/13 05:22:54z Reply Invalid Command or Msg!{339
SMS KB7DLG 07/12 21:03:49z Reply Alias Added{310
KB7DLG SMS 07/12 21:03:49z Send another #alias #add Dustin 2083576972{9
SMS KB7DLG 07/12 20:47:40z Reply @2083516972 Worked!{301
KB7DLG SMS 07/12 20:45:12z Send another @2083516972 test{7