KB7ITU-9 messages

fromtotime message
WLNK-1 KB7ITU-9 03/11 20:37:10z Reply You have 2 Winlink mail messages pending{194
WLNK-1 KB7ITU-9 03/07 20:37:13z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{8993
KB7ITU-9 WB7ML-10 03/06 14:43:43z Send another 👍{3
WB7ML-10 KB7ITU-9 03/06 14:43:18z Reply Glad you're safe{1
KB7ITU-9 WB7ML-10 03/06 14:41:59z Send another Can't say as much for others. Seen one bad wreck.{2
KB7ITU-9 WB7ML-10 03/06 14:41:31z Send another Well got here with no incidents. {1