KC1SRI messages

fromtotime message
EMAIL-2 KC1SRI 09/06 17:27:03z Reply Email sent to Erika.amirlin@gmail.com{7C}03
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:24:06z Send another Erika.amirlin@gmail.com Hi Sending you this from my ham radio- Joe03}
EMAIL-2 KC1SRI 09/06 17:24:04z Reply Email sent to kc1sri@kc1sri.com{7B}02
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:24:03z Send another Erika.amirlin@gmail.com Hi Sending you this from my ham radio- Joe{03}
EMAIL-2 KC1SRI 09/06 17:23:34z Reply Email sent to ffwn@winlink.org{7A}01
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:22:07z Send another kc1sri@kc1sri.com test test02}
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:22:04z Send another kc1sri@kc1sri.com test test{02}
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:20:36z Send another ffwn@winlink.org KC1SRI,Joe,W-Mass,MA,USA,@GeoJoeK,APRS,N,Y01}
KC1SRI EMAIL-2 09/06 17:20:33z Send another ffwn@winlink.org KC1SRI,Joe,W-Mass,MA,USA,@GeoJoeK,APRS,N,Y{01}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/30 14:20:04z Reply or ? GROUP{NW}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/30 14:18:25z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{NV}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/30 14:17:24z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){NU}
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/30 14:17:24z Send another FEDI Goog Morning Fedi Folks!{0B}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/30 05:10:19z Reply N:FEDI Removed From Group{GQ}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 17:11:02z Reply N:FEDI Now Monitoring with 5 Members{PW}0A
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/29 17:10:02z Send another J FEDI0A}PG
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/29 17:10:01z Send another J FEDI{0A}PG
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 17:02:29z Reply or ? GROUP{PJ}09
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 17:01:29z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{PI}09
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 17:00:28z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){PH}09
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 16:58:49z Reply or ? GROUP{PG}09
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 16:58:49z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{PF}09
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/29 16:57:49z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){PE}09
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/29 16:56:49z Send another FEDI Oh no! No FFWN today! We are lost! LOST!09}
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/29 16:56:48z Send another FEDI Oh no! No FFWN today! We are lost! LOST!{09}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/28 02:12:03z Reply N:FEDI Removed From Group{OH}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:18:46z Reply or ? GROUP{KB}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:17:46z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{KA}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:16:46z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){JZ}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:15:45z Reply or ? GROUP{JY}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:14:45z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{JX}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:12:45z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){JW}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:12:45z Reply N:FEDI Now Monitoring with 4 Members{JV}07
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/27 14:12:40z Send another fedi Good Morning alacritous FediHams!07}JU
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/27 14:12:38z Send another fedi Good Morning alacritous FediHams!{07}JU
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/27 14:11:45z Send another J FEDI08}JU
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:11:44z Reply N:FEDI Now Monitoring with 4 Members{JV}08
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/27 14:11:44z Send another J FEDI{08}JU
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:09:02z Reply or ? GROUP{JU}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:09:02z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{JT}07
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/27 14:07:01z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){JS}07
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/27 14:07:00z Send another fedi Good Morning alacritous FediHams!{07}
KC1SRI QRU 08/23 23:46:26z Send another INFO 80
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:42:09z Send another N77TAJ{0G}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:41:11z Send another /EX0F}2348
WLNK-1 KC1SRI 08/23 23:41:07z Reply Unknown request. Send ? for help{2357
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:41:07z Send another /EX{0F}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:37:28z Send another /EX0E}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:37:27z Send another /EX{0E}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:37:04z Send another Y0C}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:37:02z Send another Y{0C}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:35:31z Send another Yes0D}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:35:30z Send another Yes{0D}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:34:25z Send another KC1SRI, Joe, Shelburne Falls, MA, USA, geojoek, APRS{0B}2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:30:20z Send another N77TAJ{0A}2348
WLNK-1 KC1SRI 08/23 23:26:47z Reply Login [365]:{2348
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 23:25:47z Send another sp FFWN check-in{09}
WLNK-1 KC1SRI 08/23 16:14:05z Reply Too many login attempts -- try again later (~2H).{2321
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:59:05z Send another L07}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:59:04z Send another L{07}2298
WLNK-1 KC1SRI 08/23 15:37:38z Reply SP, SMS, L, R#, K#, Y#, F#, P, G, A, I, PR, B (? + cmd for more){2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:31:06z Send another /EX{06}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:29:13z Send another Y{05}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:28:41z Send another Y{04}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:28:17z Send another APRS{03}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:27:48z Send another APRS03}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:25:15z Send another SP FFWN check-in KC!SRI, Joe, Shelburne Falls, MA, USA, @geojoek,{02}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:23:02z Send another H{01}2298
KC1SRI WLNK-1 08/23 15:22:38z Send another H{01}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/21 15:10:50z Reply or ? GROUP{HH}06
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/21 15:09:50z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{HG}06
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/21 15:08:50z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){HF}06
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/21 15:08:50z Send another FEDI Good morning fabulous and alacritatious fedihams!{06}
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/21 05:15:45z Reply N:FEDI Removed From Group{EK}
KB9ENS-1 KC1SRI 08/21 04:44:35z Reply N:FEDI bit late to the party, but enjoying excuse to use groups
NH6SP-13 KC1SRI 08/21 04:12:25z Reply N:FEDI WX Rain: daily 0.421 weekly 1.3 monthly 3.6 yearly 35.0
NH6SP-13 KC1SRI 08/21 04:12:25z Reply N:FEDI WX Wind: Dir 287.0 Speed 0.2 Gust 3.4 MaxGust 8.1
NH6SP-13 KC1SRI 08/21 04:12:24z Reply N:FEDI WX Temp 71.8 Dew 71.5 Bar 30.02 Hum 99 Sol 15.2
NH6SP-6 KC1SRI 08/21 04:11:10z Reply N:FEDI one-time experiment coming up ...
AI6YR-1 KC1SRI 08/21 03:51:24z Reply N:FEDI Try this again...
N6UTC-5 KC1SRI 08/21 03:41:42z Reply N:FEDI Hello Fediversers from Long Beach CA
N6UTC-9 KC1SRI 08/21 00:08:15z Reply N:FEDI on the road
K3FNB KC1SRI 08/20 23:45:03z Reply N:FEDI hello from RF
N6UTC-7 KC1SRI 08/20 23:18:02z Reply N:FEDI afternoon
AE4WX-1 KC1SRI 08/20 23:08:49z Reply N:FEDI Good evening Fedizens!
N7KOM-9 KC1SRI 08/20 22:20:47z Reply N:FEDI Beatiful afternoon for radio
W0RMT-5 KC1SRI 08/20 18:07:45z Reply N:FEDI welcome David and Eric!
NH6SP-3 KC1SRI 08/20 18:01:15z Reply N:FEDI k3fnb yes
K3FNB-5 KC1SRI 08/20 17:48:09z Reply N:FEDI is this the group name?
KC1UIX-4 KC1SRI 08/20 17:36:27z Reply N:FEDI Another FEDIham checkin - thanks Ben and Bud
N7KOM-9 KC1SRI 08/20 17:36:05z Reply LOL{13
KC1SRI N7KOM-9 08/20 17:31:03z Send another TBH I'm a little burnt out on granoblastic meta rx03}11
KC1SRI N7KOM-9 08/20 17:31:01z Send another TBH I'm a little burnt out on granoblastic meta rx{03}11
KC1SRI N7KOM-9 08/20 17:30:29z Send another There's one thin layer of unmeta tuff here and we all <3 it.02}11
KC1SRI N7KOM-9 08/20 17:30:24z Send another There's one thin layer of unmeta tuff here and we all <3 it.{02}11
N7KOM-9 KC1SRI 08/20 17:28:34z Reply I never want to see tuff again{11
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/20 17:27:55z Reply or ? GROUP{HU}05
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/20 17:26:16z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{HT}05
ANSRVR KC1SRI 08/20 17:26:16z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){HS}05
KC1SRI ANSRVR 08/20 17:25:14z Send another FEDI Good Morning Bud and Tim!{05}HP