KC2SYF-9 messages

fromtotime message
KC2SYF-9 K2CSN-10 01/05 16:16:58z Send another hello back{04
KC2SYF-9 K2CSN-10 01/05 16:14:44z Send another hello back{05
KC2SYF-9 K2CSN-10 01/05 16:10:14z Send another testing the new iGate mini{03
K2CSN-10 KC2SYF-9 01/05 16:09:46z Reply testing the new iGate mini{256
K2CSN-10 KC2SYF-9 01/05 16:09:08z Reply testing the new iGate mini{255
K2CSN-10 KC2SYF-9 01/05 16:07:39z Reply testing the new iGate mini