KD3AIA-7 messages

fromtotime message
REPEAT KD3AIA-7 01/08 14:30:28z Reply N3KZ 147.2700+ T77.0 3.6mi SW{7446
REPEAT KD3AIA-7 01/08 14:28:18z Reply N3KZ 147.2700+ T77.0 3.6mi SW{7445
KD3AIA-7 REPEAT 01/08 14:27:51z Send another N3{1
KD3AIA-7 REPEAT 01/08 14:27:10z Send another N4{2
EMAIL-2 KD3AIA-7 01/08 14:26:52z Reply Email sent to kehrenzeller@gmail.com{760
KD3AIA-7 EMAIL-2 01/08 14:23:52z Send another kehrenzeller@gmail.com email from radio test{1
KD3AIA-10 KD3AIA-7 01/07 23:40:47z Reply Hello there{1
EMAIL-2 KD3AIA-7 01/07 20:57:16z Reply Email sent to kehrenzeller@gmail.com{759
KD3AIA-7 EMAIL-2 01/07 20:57:15z Send another kehrenzeller@gmail.com here's a test email over aprs{1
KD3AIA-7 SMSGTE 01/07 20:52:40z Send another @2677383090 here's a test text message{1
REPEAT KD3AIA-7 01/07 20:50:17z Reply WA3ZID 147.0000+ T131.8 5.1mi ENE{7387