KF5NRU messages

fromtotime message
EMAIL-2 KF5NRU 09/03 20:31:20z Reply Email sent to Bmfranklin86@gmail.com{179
KF5NRU EMAIL-2 09/03 20:31:19z Send another Bmfranklin86@gmail.com was sent via ham radio!{55
EMAIL-2 KF5NRU 09/03 20:30:10z Reply No email address found!{178
KF5NRU EMAIL-2 09/03 20:30:10z Send another Email sent to sfortis22@gmail.com{56
EMAIL-2 KF5NRU 09/03 20:30:05z Reply Email sent to Bmfranklin86@gmail.com{177
EMAIL-2 KF5NRU 09/03 20:30:01z Reply No email address found!{176
KF5NRU EMAIL-2 09/03 20:30:01z Send another Email sent to sfortis22@gmail.com{57
EMAIL-2 KF5NRU 09/03 19:26:15z Reply Email sent to Bmfranklin86@gmail.com{175
KF5NRU EMAIL-2 09/03 19:26:15z Send another Bmfranklin86@gmail.com was sent via ham radio!{58
KF5NRU AC0ED 08/23 19:01:46z Send another Good afternoon from DE KF5NRU & Fam{1