KQ4PEC messages

fromtotime message
KQ4PEC N4LLZ-7 08/29 02:10:22z Send another good evening!{M0002
KQ4PEC N4LLZ-7 08/29 02:02:04z Send another are you online?{M0001
KQ4PEC N4LLZ-7 08/14 03:01:56z Send another This band is still open for me :){M0001
KQ4PEC N4LLZ-7 08/14 02:36:34z Send another hello. can you hear me?{M0001
K1MLN KQ4PEC 08/09 02:35:30z Reply I guess you figured out bulletins.{04}
WA3FHM-7 KQ4PEC 07/14 02:15:06z Reply how does this work? Works just fine{12
KQ4PEC W4PGX-7 07/13 20:43:38z Send another ?APRSP
W4PGX-7 KQ4PEC 07/13 20:41:27z Reply D75 Works good{0
KQ4PEC BLN0TEST1 07/13 19:57:28z Send another how does this work?
KQ4PEC KJ4OAP-9 07/13 19:57:05z Send another Thanks! Sorry for the spam. Igate still on{M0001
K4CDN KQ4PEC 07/13 19:56:46z Reply Bulletins go out to every1 or you can message direct like I am now{2
KQ4PEC KJ4OAP-9 07/13 19:56:31z Send another received by YAAC
KJ4OAP-9 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:56:26z Reply works pretty well!{85
K4JH-2 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:49:45z Reply Unattended, I will get back to you.
K4JH-2 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:49:42z Reply rej0
KQ4PEC-12 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:43:38z Reply ?APRSD
KQ4PEC-12 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:43:18z Reply hi
KQ4PEC-12 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:42:55z Reply it is going okay{C0002
KQ4PEC KQ4PEC-12 07/13 19:42:43z Send another so yeah... how's it going?{C0008
KQ4PEC-12 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:41:56z Reply testing{C0001
KQ4PEC-12 KQ4PEC 07/13 19:38:34z Reply hi{M0001
KQ4PEC kq4pec-12 07/13 19:37:46z Send another testing{C0007
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:40:57z Send another how about now?{C0006
KQ4PEC-7 KQ4PEC 07/13 18:40:08z Reply Got that{11
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:40:04z Send another how about this?{C0005
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:37:59z Send another testing?{C0004
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:37:17z Send another this?{C0003
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:36:36z Send another did you get this?{C0002
KQ4PEC kq4pec-7 07/13 18:36:09z Send another hello{C0001
KQ4PEC-7 KQ4PEC 07/13 18:34:42z Reply Heh right here{10
KQ4PEC-7 KQ4PEC 07/13 18:29:57z Reply Hello{9