N6UNH-4 messages

fromtotime message
N6UNH-4 N7INA-I 12/06 01:04:55z Send another Test message {1
N6UNH-4 N7INA 12/05 23:58:32z Send another Test message sent ove RF{1
N6UNH-4 N7INA 12/05 23:54:24z Send another Test message sent over RF{1
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:47:57z Reply Ok{FBC37
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:47:33z Send another I can still get into it inside the house {17
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:47:18z Send another I put the Mobilinkd on a shelf{16
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:42:42z Reply Perfect{9716C
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:41:45z Send another Ok it's going to be after 7:30 anyway {15
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:41:10z Reply Ok{B0E54
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:40:52z Reply Yes if you are not busy. I need to get a few things done here.{BF91C
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:40:49z Send another I can send a small picture to test speed {14
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:40:25z Reply Yes and we know we can send text message tablet to tablet now.{6BAAC
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:40:18z Send another You still want to try Winlink P2P tonight?{13
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:37:51z Send another The Mobilinkd is a great little device{12
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:37:08z Send another Already tried it{11
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:36:57z Send another I know we can pass a message HT to HT with you in OC{10
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:36:42z Reply In SoCal yes but in the sticks no.{3D666
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:36:18z Send another There is a lot of traffic on this channel {9
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:36:05z Reply Well and it a great way to keep it topped off and charged{FDBFE
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:35:55z Reply As long as everyone else isn't doing the same. Lol{928DB
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:35:26z Send another If the grid is down this isn't a bad way to send a quick text {8
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:34:18z Send another Yes that's a great way to protect it{7
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:34:06z Reply It used to turn on when floating in my bag.{0403C
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:33:51z Reply Now that I have mine in an altoids can it last a long time.{08A59
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:33:16z Send another This sure is better than texting on the radio {6
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:32:31z Send another Not sure how long it will hold out{5
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:32:20z Send another I haven't charged the Mobilinkd in awhile {4
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:30:57z Send another Yes they seem to be going out OTA{3
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:30:30z Reply I am glad you are receiving my messages into you radio from my app{B0F36
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:30:24z Send another ak80097
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:28:53z Reply The aprs in the car is off.{23316
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:28:43z Reply Nice. Well luckily I am getting the messages on my phone.{85853
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:28:20z Send another Seems to work fine on the 200{2
N6UNH-4 W7DTH-10 12/05 23:27:37z Send another I am using the cable I got from you{1
N6UNH-4 SMSGTE 12/05 23:27:08z Send another Info{7
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:25:54z Reply aprs.fi{80097
W7DTH-10 N6UNH-4 12/05 23:25:42z Reply I am home and using aprs.Diablo to respond.{E5651
N6UNH-4 W7DTH 12/05 23:24:43z Send another Testing on APRSDroid{5