N7UIP-10 messages

fromtotime message
N7UIP-10 N7UIP-7 07/01 00:14:55z Send another Test to 7{4
N7UIP-10 N7UIP-7 06/30 18:12:28z Send another Test to 7{3
N7UIP-7 N7UIP-10 06/30 17:04:03z Reply Test{2
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:21:36z Reply Msg left for N7UIP{2009
N7UIP-10 MAIL 06/30 06:21:36z Send another @n7uip-7 Sending mail 23:20{3
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:19:58z Reply No messages found for N7UIP{2008
N7UIP-10 MAIL 06/30 06:19:58z Send another Aprsm{2
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:18:47z Reply Invalid Command or Msg!{2007
N7UIP-10 MAIL 06/30 06:18:46z Send another Mail{1
WXBOT N7UIP-10 06/30 06:14:52z Reply 2 Miles S Sammamish WA. Tonight,Chance Showers 40% Low 58{XF
N7UIP-10 WXBOT 06/30 06:14:46z Send another 98075{1
SMS N7UIP-10 06/30 02:41:12z Reply @4252095980 Rec{8408
N7UIP-10 SMS 06/30 02:40:22z Send another @4252095980 test{4
N7UIP-7 N7UIP-10 06/29 18:59:38z Reply Back to u{1
N7UIP-10 SMS 06/29 05:52:23z Send another @test test text msg{3
SMS N7UIP-10 06/29 05:51:45z Reply Alias Added{8312
N7UIP-10 SMS 06/29 05:51:45z Send another #alias #add TEST 4252731109{2
SMS N7UIP-10 06/29 05:29:56z Reply Invalid Alias or Number!{8311
N7UIP-10 SMS 06/29 05:29:56z Send another @TESTING99 TESTING{1
N7UIP-10 N7WAA-Z 06/29 03:39:10z Send another Trying APRS through droid app. QSL{1
N7UIP-10 N7UIP-7 06/29 01:33:40z Send another Test phone to radio.{1