W1KAL-5 messages

fromtotime message
W1KAL-5 KM9G-12 10/21 16:51:14z Send another Good to hear!{359D8
KM9G-12 W1KAL-5 10/21 15:14:23z Reply we got out of Roswell before the flood{12
W1KAL-5 KM9G-12 10/21 13:01:51z Send another Did you Float away there??{942E4
W1KAL-5 KM9G-1 10/15 00:47:47z Send another Attempting another message{FFEE0
W1KAL-5 KM9G-1 10/15 00:39:39z Send another Test via the internet...{73B37