W2DON messages

fromtotime message
W2DON SMSGTE 12/02 05:21:09z Send another @5102998199 test{5
W2DON SMSGTE 12/02 05:18:22z Send another @5102998199 test123{4
N8MOR W2DON 12/02 03:31:14z Reply have fun!{8
W2DON N8MOR 12/02 03:30:29z Send another KA6ZED is next muhahah{3
W2DON N8MOR 12/02 03:27:36z Send another Mercifully, yes...packets are flowing. Now back to HF ARDOP debug {2
N8MOR W2DON 12/02 03:25:33z Reply u got it goin !{7
W2DON N8MOR 12/02 03:24:25z Send another This is my packet! There are many like it but this one is mine. {1