WD8CHW-9 messages

fromtotime message
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 08/28 00:24:27z Reply rej59
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/28 00:24:23z Send another OK thanks will check in next houŕ.{59
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/28 00:21:56z Reply list received will let you know when to pick-up over{SE}
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/28 00:20:56z Send another Please send canned soup of any kind canned meat and water. How cop{58
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 08/28 00:19:06z Reply rej57
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/28 00:18:55z Send another Next week supplies list will follow shortly.{57
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 08/28 00:11:08z Reply rej56
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/28 00:10:57z Send another all good here your signal report is5 by 5 btu{56
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/28 00:07:47z Reply Hello checking all ok here and how copy?{SD}
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/25 17:59:14z Send another Your 5 by 5{55
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/25 17:58:19z Reply how copy?{EO}
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/21 11:17:07z Reply ?APRSP
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/18 18:00:47z Reply Please send list when ready.{UW}
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 08/18 18:00:17z Reply rej54
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/18 18:00:12z Send another List of supplies needed will follow.{54
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/18 17:56:23z Reply Message confirmed.73{UV}
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 08/18 17:55:50z Reply rej53
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW-2 08/18 17:55:37z Send another Message received everything is okay bþu.{53
WD8CHW-2 WD8CHW-9 08/18 17:53:30z Reply This is a test text message.{UU}
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 03:59:57z Send another test5{52
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 03:59:42z Send another test{51
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 02:49:57z Send another eeèeedrfttyyyfdccvg{50
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 02:40:56z Send another what is your location{49
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 02:39:39z Send another test{48
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 02:38:46z Send another go ahead station calligraphy cq{47
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 02:07:46z Send another Stand by for supplies list.{46
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 01:58:32z Send another yes can{45
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 01:48:38z Send another test message{44
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 01:46:29z Send another tesrtyh{43
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 01:39:47z Send another test message 2{42
WD8CHW-9 WD8CHW 08/17 01:39:09z Send another test message{41
WD8CHW-9 KE8WSC-8 07/28 19:31:19z Send another {40
W8JWH WD8CHW-9 07/28 19:26:55z Reply rej39
WD8CHW-9 KE8WSC-8 07/28 19:26:49z Send another ttt{39
WD8CHW-9 WB8VSU-10 07/15 01:33:38z Send another
WD8CHW-9 WB8VSU-10 07/15 01:33:23z Send another Hello from WD8CHW-7{33
WD8CHW-9 07/15 01:09:50z Send another kc8tcj-10{31
WD8INF-9 WD8CHW-9 07/15 01:07:32z Reply rej30
WD8INF-9 WD8CHW-9 07/15 01:07:31z Reply rej29
WD8CHW-9 WD8INF-9 07/15 01:06:01z Send another test{30
WD8CHW-9 WD8INF-9 07/15 01:05:46z Send another test{29