WT0F-4 messages

fromtotime message
WT0F-4 WT0F-3 12/26 14:31:23z Send another Test{1
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/26 13:54:28z Send another Back at the QTH and probably the same conditions as you.{6
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/25 14:58:04z Reply What is your current location and weather conditions?
WT0F-4 N2EDX-4 12/21 02:38:04z Send another Messages received 73{1
N2EDX-4 WT0F-4 12/20 23:55:08z Reply VGC radio APRSDroid on tablet {2
N2EDX-4 WT0F-4 12/20 23:54:12z Reply Testing out a new APRS platform. {1
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/20 22:50:17z Reply making dinner 73{88
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/20 22:24:28z Send another In Portsmouth, NH. Low 30s.{5
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/20 22:23:19z Send another Looks like a few messages did not get transmitter{4
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/20 22:11:36z Reply good cpy in Daytona Bch. 73{87
WT0F-4 N0KFO-5 12/20 17:12:03z Send another Hey there sir! I was just up aprs.fi and saw you out and about.{1
N0KFO-5 WT0F-4 12/17 17:13:19z Reply Second msg to you...I think...;-){1
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/16 21:59:28z Send another There it was probably about 21F.{3
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/16 21:59:09z Send another Overcast here and 39F. Out of the White Mountains now. {2
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/16 17:34:15z Reply Rain here, 75dF.{2
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/16 17:29:49z Reply Looking good on the S-List{1
WT0F-4 WB4JB-14 12/16 14:37:35z Send another Hello from the great white north.{1
WT0F-4 N2EDX-7 12/15 23:57:22z Send another Thanks..... 73{1
N2EDX-7 WT0F-4 12/15 23:39:01z Reply Gerard's great advenure.Enjoy 73 {83
WW3A-5 WT0F-4 12/11 22:50:27z Reply Hi Gerard. I was dropping my wife off at MCO. Stay warm!{1
WT0F-4 WW3A-5 12/11 19:35:27z Send another Working on digi, saw you out and about. Hello from NH, Merry Xmas {1