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Weather Stations Near EW6963

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
EW6963 0.0 00:00:01:20 4283600571010.3
DW5963 14.0 N00:00:01:25 41103600581012.8
DW8692 14.6 NW00:00:01:24 40151090.01601011.4
FW8536 16.2 SW00:00:01:14 42182311100058997.5
DW5893 22.1 NW00:00:01:10 41151230591000.1
DW8633 22.8 W00:00:00:53 42172336000059925.6
FW8535 25.3 SW00:00:01:54 43142014600058928.2
DW5941 27.5 NW00:00:01:08 41121210561012.4
FW8534 40.1 NW00:00:01:42 4103600591009.9
EW2692 40.8 NW00:00:01:40 3851012400.020.0262935.8
EW6205 42.9 NE00:00:14:52 3961410300.030.03571007.5
FW2498 46.5 NW00:00:01:21 39152398000601012.2
DW8634 49.2 NW00:00:01:45 380036000059933.6
GW0525 49.5 SW00:00:00:49 421926149000601005.6
DW5891 52.0 W00:00:01:03 421186060999.7
DW5890 54.3 W00:00:01:45 431420360000611012.7
EW7744 58.4 SE00:00:00:54 431019261000571007.2
EW2349 85.9 NW00:00:01:08 371623360000651010.2
EW7711 88.5 SE00:00:06:49 39511180000531012.6
FW0464 104.8 NW00:00:00:57 331318116000711010.2

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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