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Weather Stations Near FW6667

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW6667 0.0 00:00:08:21 586920200.040.0454992.8
FW9743 44.2 E00:00:02:47 582522900.10.1661004.2
YT1XN 50.2 SE00:00:03:25 585823200.020.02611006.2
YU4PTT-8 60.2 SE00:00:02:54 462215800.0674995.5
FW9081 62.5 E00:00:03:32 6204240531003.6
9A3XK-13 65.6 NW00:00:03:13 542418000.160.16671002.5
GW5319 81.3 NW00:00:02:26 553726300.170.14701002.6
YO2LDK-13 85.9 NE00:00:04:57 520019800.385994.0
FW5214 86.6 NW00:00:03:21 520028300.130.13731003.7
FW9375 86.8 NW00:00:02:57 55671004.4
9A7DI-13 106.7 NW00:00:02:37 55101000.4
HG8GL 109.3 N00:00:03:21 5600185000591000.4
HG8GL-6 109.3 N00:00:08:12 5600191000591000.4
HG8LXL-2 114.5 NE00:00:01:08 54527.2
YO2LC 122.0 E00:00:03:09 620317000.020.02551005.5
LRTR 125.8 NE00:00:12:10 578230591004.0
GW4727 126.0 NW00:00:02:40 5492022200.280.28621001.2
LRAR 132.7 NE00:00:13:19 5713210631003.0
FW0460 136.2 N00:00:07:58 493820800.30.3801000.7
FW7842 144.5 N00:00:02:53 490326900.250.25761001.3

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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