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Weather Stations Near KD0YNJ

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
CW9356 22.0 E00:00:00:14 6300302000591005.7
KE4SLC-13 22.2 NE00:00:00:44 641226900049962.0
EW7204 23.9 NE00:00:03:38 6821027000047
GW4708 24.8 NE00:00:06:37 6612242000451007.5
KKSNEWCA7 31.9 NE00:00:01:27 6416284000491008.6
NK0Z-13 33.2 SE00:00:07:56 6925305000491008.7
FW0695 33.5 S00:00:05:38 6503291000521007.9
CW4421 36.0 SW00:00:06:11 6504287000561006.0
FW0784 39.8 NE00:00:06:08 6527330000481007.3
DW8414 47.9 SE00:00:03:22 6900262000531007.2
KR0L-13 47.9 SE00:00:01:20 7400254000401008.2
DW8749 51.8 SW00:00:01:38 7126157000381007.2
KE0FIN 52.0 SE00:00:04:01 720290000401058.3
GW3320 58.7 NE00:00:01:14 67160000491006.8
K0HYD 60.6 SE00:00:01:46 72022950521007.2
kb0uoa 62.6 SE00:00:01:36 7002320000491007.7
DW9527 62.9 SE00:00:04:37 7326306000411007.7
AV636 63.0 SE00:00:02:23 73350000291007.1
FW7264 63.1 SE00:00:02:52 7111323000461008.3
GW5030 63.2 SE00:00:02:52 7134259000431007.7

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

Click on the callsign to see station's weather history.