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Weather Stations Near YC1CWK

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
YC1CWK 0.0 00:00:29:28 28000100973.0
A68AN-13 9.6 NW00:00:18:13 95311015.1
VU3GEJ 75.4 NE00:00:03:38
FW9894 258.0 NW00:00:02:18 8126240000481016.5
FW1988 370.8 N00:00:11:02 7325
D7023 387.8 NW00:00:04:18 7102217000881015.7
FW8665 481.7 NW00:00:00:40 78237400051
FW8667 488.7 NW00:00:03:04 8004334000421019.8
EW9187 909.9 E00:00:00:02 -97381221.832.121.5946848.6
DW8263 919.7 SE00:00:00:49 62986.1
EW9467 932.3 E00:00:00:12 -963712202.222.431.8294858.7
GW5690 991.8 NW00:00:00:17 8147292000301018.4
GW5879 991.8 NW00:00:01:15 8157304000301018.3
W4EDP 1009.8 E00:00:00:27 -869772791.751.921.4436634.5
LTCI 1079.0 NW00:00:10:20 4882901027.0
FW7606 1129.0 E00:00:00:22 -86977661.892.381.7866951.1
EW6179 1144.6 SE00:00:00:01 -15866322.112.692.0191609.2
GW2005 1156.3 E00:00:00:21 -23442780.010.050.0395624.2
vu2eoj-13 1157.2 SE00:05:59:25 85471009.3
LTCC 1181.8 NW00:00:14:38 755601021.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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