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Weather Stations Near 22.292 70.76983

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW6056 57.5 NW00:00:00:28 -69171150.250.280.044071.9
EW9467 61.7 NW00:00:00:20 -645532002.342.510.4175317.0
EW9187 74.8 NW00:00:00:07 084922222.613.180.5321552.8
W4EDP 113.5 NE00:00:00:01 -5931012260.861.190.1973338.7
DW8263 166.6 SW00:00:00:41 761019.6
EW6179 229.8 SE00:00:00:29 -278863283.463.670.6125512.3
FW7606 257.9 NE00:00:00:06 047551540.020.04034517.9
VU3ZAG-13 285.4 SE00:00:06:39 891269028
CW3200 292.8 SE00:00:00:26 -281891122.883.160.5284876.1
EW0472 325.6 NE00:00:00:25 -26775503.113.110.5158751.2
DW2147 350.4 NE00:00:00:20 -794102780.320.460.0749268.8
HS1AH-10 381.5 E00:00:00:07 -160681800.621.110.181648.7
DW7106 383.8 SE00:00:00:06 -685932310.270.520.0856888.3
DW8879 422.8 SE00:00:00:04 -250581090.360.360.0643424.6
BG7XQC-13 449.3 E00:00:00:02 -879871660.520.830.1354688.9
EW3148 493.4 SE00:00:00:01 -467752240.370.630.166605.8
BD7KHW-3 529.1 E00:00:00:12 -67785640.691.040.1724461.5
VU2IB-13 536.3 NE00:00:00:25 78291008.4
VU2LCI-13 540.4 SE00:00:06:56 9332908.0
CW9676 552.0 SE00:00:00:26 -55866761.521.580.2652561.7

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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