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Weather Stations Near 33.96322 35.69214

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW2969 18.2 SW00:00:01:51 63520105000291011.8
GW2352 68.2 SW00:00:04:58 70111752000341011.7
FW1003 71.0 SW00:14:47:14 0001015.3
GW1410 78.0 SW00:00:01:33 0001009.1
GW1000 117.3 SW00:00:04:58 7335127000201004.9
FW8669 120.0 NW00:00:02:33 64121533000821015.9
CW9888 133.5 SW00:00:01:29 0001007.8
hadyos 133.9 S00:00:08:21 680270000201013.2
GW4592 134.5 SW00:00:04:10 736749000241010.8
CW0641 134.9 S00:00:04:16 65310103000231003.8
FW0735 135.4 NW00:02:32:19 65030000841014.2
5B4ALR-13 136.9 NW00:00:08:02 6000000.010781013.9
TA5KT-13 147.1 N00:00:07:12 7087662.0
LTDA 148.1 N00:00:15:27 5353201016.0
DW1785 149.5 SW00:00:00:44 00006.550
EW3978 149.7 NW00:00:02:02 62412320000631012.6
TA5MG-10 160.0 N00:00:03:18 870001001015.0
LTDB 179.6 NW00:00:15:21 5383601016.0
LTAF 183.1 N00:00:15:33 571301015.0
FW1785 202.1 NW00:00:01:57 6558166000331034.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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