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Weather Stations Near 38.07667 -102.617

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
KA0WUC 0.4 NW00:00:00:60 6591715400.170.15341011.1
1VIEW 43.1 N00:00:01:38 51213035900.250.08791013.3
FW2420 49.5 NE00:00:00:56 51182514800.160781012.4
DW9439 56.1 NE00:00:04:34 52111817200.20.19761023.0
DW6957 56.7 SE00:00:00:09 651425177000361011.2
FW6222 63.5 W00:22:16:31 541017102000541007.8
DW5288 66.2 E00:00:00:31 57142014600.070.07611009.6
CW6099 70.1 NE00:00:02:03 48132236000.210.21681012.0
HUGOCO 78.2 NW00:00:03:08 51232817000.380.06631013.5
EW9214 79.2 NW00:00:00:51 51142216300.360.05651005.8
FW1490 79.3 E00:00:01:16 481017360000781012.2
EW0539 81.8 NW00:00:00:30 55162515700.20571009.1
FW8636 83.1 NE00:00:01:15 0001013.7
EW7003 90.7 NW00:00:04:19 54152436000.130.01671007.5
KB0VBZ 93.3 NW00:04:21:18 6657185
CW2751 94.3 NE00:00:00:57 4471450781009.3
GW1761 94.9 NE00:00:00:42 44916360000841013.7
FW1147 95.7 NE00:00:01:03 442229360000891010.8
DW2728 102.0 E00:00:08:31 5051517300.050.05741013.7
N0YK 104.7 E00:00:01:32 5181314000.010.01741014.8

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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