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Weather Stations Near 38.54967 -106.92933

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
CW1428 0.0 00:00:00:14 45410311000471013.1
EW1644 23.9 E00:00:00:36 401541000401013.1
EW6300 39.6 SW00:00:00:26 4731529700.010.01261011.5
DW5967 48.4 E00:00:03:48 51716198000261023.1
N0HBJ 48.9 S00:00:03:40 471220163000311013.2
W1CAT 51.5 NE00:00:03:54 530310100024
KF5WCW-1 51.8 E00:00:03:22 52916215000251014.4
EW0538 53.7 NW00:00:03:24 5410342000221007.9
FW0523 54.6 SW00:00:03:50 591103600151012.0
K0VXP-1 55.3 NW00:00:00:35 461425204000431011.1
SALIDA 55.6 E00:00:04:44 56510282000261003.1
CW5872 57.6 SE00:00:00:07 4961600221008.4
EW5825 62.7 W00:00:00:47 631222217000171009.3
K0QMS 63.5 W00:00:13:27 591219217000201013.9
N0MQJ 65.2 E00:00:00:18 44917227000291006.2
K9MWM-1 65.5 NW00:00:01:43 53363180
DW1159 68.6 N00:00:04:57 5258140000291010.4
FW4431 69.3 N00:00:03:46 491024275000271812.3
K4VI 71.7 E00:00:00:51 48411270000331024.5
GW1216 74.8 SW00:00:03:42 451730224000251020.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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