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Weather Stations Near 39.53333 -103.02417

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
EW7003 0.0 00:00:04:02 54101914600.130.01651008.1
EW0539 35.8 SW00:00:00:21 54132316500.20621009.9
EW7755 39.1 NW00:00:00:18 57243113100.10561007.7
HUGOCO 39.7 SW00:00:02:48 49223135900.380.06711014.2
EW9214 42.0 SW00:00:00:37 51152418000.360.05681006.5
1VIEW 53.1 SE00:00:01:18 49142635900.250.08861014.4
FW8636 60.4 SE00:00:01:02 0001014.3
FW2420 65.0 SE00:00:01:05 52162236000.160791013.0
FW1147 65.7 E00:00:00:44 432027138000921011.5
KF0MLS 66.6 N00:00:03:51 5877125000541004.6
EW9499 71.7 W00:00:02:57 585918000.520.01441010.8
GW5481 72.3 W00:00:01:01 5661513000.240.0147981.8
EW7240 73.1 W00:00:00:24 54223016100.280.21581009.4
KA0WKG 73.2 NE00:00:01:10 43162915900.020.01901011.3
EW8383 74.7 E00:00:00:11 44111600811012.5
KB0VBZ 77.9 SW00:03:50:58 6657185
FW3887 78.8 W00:00:03:38 6041114200.010.01341006.4
GW1761 80.0 E00:00:00:31 43817360000861014.4
CW2751 80.2 E00:00:00:05 4373180791010.0
WD5EAA 89.1 W00:00:00:21 57253516300.040.01461006.9

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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