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Weather Stations Near 41.33708 36.27279

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
TA6DDX-13 4.4 SE00:00:45:18 73000100
TA6B-11 5.0 SE00:00:02:44 59000731001.0
TA2IK-11 5.5 SE00:00:07:42 580001001010.0
LTFH 17.8 SE00:00:09:05 5141301015.0
LTCM 82.7 NW00:12:57:05 5062901012.0
LTAR 99.6 SE00:00:46:55 3761801019.0
LTCB 110.8 SE00:00:09:06 5143501015.0
TA6AIA-13 199.7 W00:00:06:07 35310-114.4
LTAT 205.1 SE00:10:24:48 6043601013.0
LTAC 209.6 SW00:00:01:28 549200501014.0
YM2KA-13 221.4 SW00:00:00:40 53118900.010581011.6
TA5KA 222.7 SW00:00:02:10 51251440541014.0
TA2EE-10 223.4 SW00:00:06:27 7500027912.0
TB8ATA-13 228.9 S00:00:01:07 7200038945.0
TA2BXX-10 232.2 SW00:00:04:48 75000100851.0
TB2GAK-10 234.8 SW00:00:06:30 45280192010101.3
LTCA 243.8 SE00:00:09:09 4442001019.0
LTAS 251.3 W00:05:34:31 5553201011.0
Gotskaya 257.0 NW00:00:00:32 4702272000631013.6
LTAF 267.5 S00:00:13:22 57001015.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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