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Weather Stations Near 44.51117 -64.30383

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
GW0293 0.0 00:00:12:12 4831012000.070.04961006.4
GW0269 15.3 SW00:00:11:51 63133822400.10.07761006.5
DW1902 29.2 SW00:00:04:02 5771919200.090.06831005.8
DW1107 34.1 N00:00:11:50 59132819800.160.16951004.7
VA1ALW 34.2 N00:00:03:38 5551423900.110.11951002.4
GW4845 45.8 E00:00:00:14 502713200.150.15881008.3
FW5955 46.7 E00:00:11:48 42111721500.040.04961009.0
FW5349 47.3 E00:00:12:09 496211410.010.120.12961008.1
GW1779 47.5 SW00:00:12:11 5262022600.080.05911009.7
DW0920 51.3 E00:23:38:15 3629198000721027.6
GW4005 55.7 NW00:00:02:26 60142716600.190.19911003.8
VE1DX 57.2 E00:00:02:26 4841315800.020.02941008.7
EW1458 59.8 NW00:00:00:52 608221660.020.20.2901004.9
CW1604 74.3 W00:00:12:11 0001004.7
GW3748 75.9 NE00:00:12:15 53142417300.290.29931005.3
FW9882 87.7 NW00:00:05:39 546930000.650.6587999.3
FW1981 89.2 E00:00:02:29 412725900.070.07941010.3
FW3073 94.3 NW00:00:02:38 53272120.010.70.796999.8
GW5982 102.2 N00:00:02:33 51162617900.390.39911001.2
FW4361 108.7 SW00:00:00:20 5113311590.010.010.02931006.8

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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