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Weather Stations Near 45.55567 -80.47617

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
EW3502 0.1 NE00:00:01:16 3159900.060.06871010.0
EW6694 59.2 NW00:00:02:02 3200730.010.20.06801006.2
FW3309 61.8 SW00:00:04:47 3281927900.310.03841011.5
FW8389 65.6 S00:00:08:18 2891731600.060.02891004.0
ve3bqm-WX 65.6 SW00:00:08:19 3241629800.250.2587988.1
EW5425 66.3 SW00:00:06:02 3151229600.240.04831008.2
FW3871 68.6 SE00:00:01:39 314918000.120.0988987.1
FW0018 75.0 E00:20:24:48 0001004.6
VA3PC-13 75.3 NE00:00:07:03 290123700.110.0385976.0
F6047 76.6 NE00:00:17:18 322321000.370.211001004.7
VA3XDT-13 79.3 SE00:00:08:19 2981530100.520.5290973.3
AS211 84.0 SE00:00:02:19 2891630700.190.03891008.8
DW8291 85.0 SE00:00:01:19 300011010.86821008.8
VA3WWD-2 86.7 S00:00:04:40 2700180000
GW2708 92.3 NW00:00:01:56 320000.030.160.11871006.2
GW4294 94.9 SW00:00:01:26 3051232300.180.03831007.8
DW5903 96.7 SW00:00:02:09 3161731700.230.02851011.1
CW8209 97.1 SW00:00:03:50 31131936000.290.02861009.1
VE3COE 107.7 SW00:00:03:56 34101926100.380881007.9
EW5466 109.0 SW00:00:03:13 29263632500.270.09871007.6

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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