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Weather Stations Near 47.05517 37.50617

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW4018 147.1 SE00:00:07:25 51011100.430981013.4
RW6A-13 156.0 SE00:00:01:30 5251227000.12911008.1
GW5566 250.6 SE00:00:03:16 525820300911015.0
Gotskaya 284.2 SW00:00:12:39 4705279000631013.6
FW1643 287.3 NW00:00:12:13 51006800.31084990.1
UB3WBM-13 291.2 NW00:00:01:37 5279
UB3WBM-15 291.7 NW00:00:05:47
LTCM 335.4 SW00:13:23:15 5062901012.0
LTFH 352.3 S00:00:10:36 5041201015.0
TA6B-11 353.4 S00:00:01:51 58000741001.0
TA2IK-11 353.6 S00:00:03:08 570001001010.0
TA6DDX-13 354.7 S00:00:05:30 74000100
LTCB 366.8 S00:00:10:37 5113601016.0
FW2893 368.5 NE00:00:11:25 579189000.010.0171997.0
FW3012 368.7 NE00:00:11:46 546179000076991.8
FW2889 375.7 NE00:00:12:06 0000
LTFO 405.5 SE00:00:10:36 5313601016.0
TA6AIA-13 411.3 SW00:00:02:17 35310-114.4
UA1ZKH-14 411.4 NE00:00:05:15 51995.8
LTAR 436.8 S00:01:13:05 3761801019.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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