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Weather Stations Near 47.58238 -53.28499

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
DW4565 0.0 W00:00:02:05 300385000891019.8
FW9842 5.5 SE00:00:02:02 3116153000901019.2
FW1306 19.5 NE00:00:01:19 2981381000921021.4
FW5950 20.2 S00:00:02:18 28712128000931020.7
va2big 23.7 NE00:00:02:06 00.010.011019.9
CW3179 24.8 E00:00:04:11 303101450.040.040.01921020.0
DW9716 26.9 E00:00:02:03 3029210000921019.6
EW5388 29.6 E00:00:01:48 3007188000881019.0
EW0778 30.4 SE00:00:08:09 30510138000901021.2
DW3545 32.6 E00:00:02:11 30211293000871019.2
EW3966 36.9 E00:00:01:33 3137173000921019.0
FW1634 37.2 E00:00:01:54 3139360000841020.3
VO1PH 163.1 NW00:00:01:54 2739360000911015.2
EW1872 270.0 NW00:00:01:44 15201420001020.3
FW1501 324.4 W00:00:02:17 290094000911012.3
FW0729 404.5 W00:00:02:14 3529171000951008.6
EW2654 406.6 W00:00:02:24 35162040.030.250.25981008.7
FW6232 409.4 W00:00:01:35 34482250.030.330.33971008.5
EW1804 410.7 W00:00:03:24 35272320.040.410.41971009.4
FW3928 413.7 W00:00:01:29 366112290.060.340.34971009.4

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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