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Weather Stations Near 48.03367 17.38450

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
OM2ABC 0.0 W00:00:00:07 4567348000831019.1
OM1ATS-6 5.4 NW00:00:00:31 46771020.5
OM1PU-6 8.1 NW00:00:14:05 45183190.0184999.9
OM5AST-13 15.3 NW00:00:08:45 4500000078
DW2516 22.1 NW00:00:11:35 410036000.020.02901017.7
OM2RC-6 27.5 NW00:00:01:42 41142031001020.7
OM5AMD-15 47.5 E00:00:06:11 48000711021.5
OE3UKW 50.3 NW00:00:02:03 4491230000.110.11691021.3
CW6955 50.7 N00:00:02:25 44000000901018.2
OM4SW-6 51.2 NE00:00:00:23 46
CW2628 51.5 NW00:00:14:41 433932200.10.1831019.5
FW6498 54.7 NE00:00:07:38 48039000741018.0
OE3WYC-1 55.9 W00:00:07:34 4708270000761020.0
OE3BUB-10 58.0 NW00:00:02:16 442629200.06791010.1
OE3KJN-13 59.3 W00:00:00:30 44816351000100
OE3VAW-WX 59.6 W00:16:37:04
DW4277 59.7 W00:00:12:26 451228400.120.12811019.1
LKKU 59.8 N00:07:09:30 481330701016.0
DW6356 61.0 SW00:00:11:55 402103400.020.0211018.9
OE1TRI 63.2 W00:00:02:36 4651535200.130.13791026.1

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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