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Weather Stations Near 48.6205 -93.607

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
DW4685 0.0 SE00:00:01:26 36510301000271019.0
CW1890 11.6 E00:00:00:32 353922300.010321019.8
K0OQ 56.8 SW00:00:01:25 403327000035969.7
EW1795 58.8 SW00:00:00:35 33920251000321020.3
GW3623 70.2 SE00:00:03:46 3812262000291011.3
GW4684 79.7 SE00:00:01:26 39614321000251017.3
GW5622 84.4 S00:00:01:24 39515350000281021.0
P9N2T7 88.8 NW00:00:00:59 0001013.8
GW2884 96.1 SE00:00:03:51 4258288000311016.2
KB0KQA 96.3 SW00:00:02:21 3902357000311016.4
EW4713 100.4 SW00:00:07:12 393523000291018.9
DW4221 105.1 SE00:00:00:18 39512317000311016.4
NA0H 108.4 SW00:00:01:24 37510312000351016.0
EW6287 108.7 SW00:00:01:03 40271000331018.9
FW9117 125.7 SW00:00:01:10 3649341000371017.8
FW3835 125.8 SW00:00:01:13 3659360000221018.3
EW3146 126.5 SE00:00:07:58 42372430.010.070.07361016.5
GW5878 128.6 SW00:00:04:27 3737292000351018.4
N0ZRD-10 128.7 SE00:00:04:01 388161800.010.030.0928
GW5531 128.8 SE00:00:07:15 460031400.010.01321023.6

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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