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Weather Stations Near 48.78967 17.89467

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW6498 0.0 E00:00:09:52 48039000741018.0
OM4SW-6 4.8 W00:00:02:37 46
DW4554 30.3 NW00:00:00:50 46011900.050.05821017.9
LKKU 30.9 NW00:07:11:44 481330701016.0
CW6955 38.6 W00:00:00:41 44000000901018.2
GW4288 38.9 N00:00:00:08 440224400.040.04831019.8
OM2RC-6 44.2 SW00:00:03:56 41142031001020.7
LKPO 48.2 NW00:00:52:46 46734070
OM5AMD-15 51.3 SE00:00:08:25 48000711021.5
OM1ATS-6 54.3 SW00:00:02:45 46771020.5
OM2ABC 54.7 SW00:00:00:21 4567343000831019.2
OK0DSK-6 55.2 NE00:00:04:51 40
LKMT 55.9 N00:00:11:51 4510360811019.0
LysaHora 56.2 NE00:00:51:55 32161092
DW9966 56.5 NE00:00:07:48 443831700.050.03801016.9
OM1PU-6 56.6 SW00:00:01:19 45143020.01841000.0
OM5AST-13 58.2 SW00:00:10:59 4500000078
OK2BOZ-1 60.7 NW00:00:02:25 4401256971019.5
OM6ACB-6 61.7 E00:00:00:17 450290000291018.9
DW2516 62.1 SW00:00:13:49 410036000.020.02901017.7

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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