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Weather Stations Near 48.95401 18.43409

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
DW9966 23.3 NE00:00:03:52 4427000.060.03791016.7
OM6ACB-6 28.0 E00:00:01:22 451390000291018.7
FW6498 33.8 W00:00:05:57 4902359000731018.0
LysaHora 35.5 N00:00:22:59 32161092
OM4SW-6 38.6 W00:00:01:39 46
GW4288 39.9 NW00:00:01:15 440224400.040.04821019.8
OK0DSK-6 42.0 NW00:00:05:56 42
DW4554 46.8 NW00:00:01:54 46282600.050.05821017.9
SR9WXW 47.5 NE00:00:03:42 34007100
LKMT 48.6 NW00:00:13:42 4510360811019.0
OM7IT 51.8 SE00:00:00:48 4841972.0
SR9NSK-1 56.7 NE00:00:00:56 31152033996875.0
SR9NSK-5 56.8 NE00:00:01:49 36001095909.2
SR9NLI 58.4 NE00:00:01:48 42610341100959.3
LKKU 59.8 W00:06:42:48 481330701016.0
OM5AMD-15 60.4 S00:00:00:35 48000711021.5
SR9WXS 60.8 NE00:00:01:10 390019100
SR9WXP 63.6 NE00:00:02:17 282233510855.5
OK2PAT-14 64.7 NW00:00:05:35 63
SR9WXM 64.7 NE00:00:00:23 3591642100

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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