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Weather Stations Near 49.17283 17.49917

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
LKKU 9.3 SW00:06:42:51 481330701016.0
DW4554 14.2 NE00:00:01:57 46282600.050.05821017.9
LKPO 16.2 NW00:00:23:53 46734070
CW6955 23.3 SW00:00:01:49 44000000891018.2
OK2BOZ-1 27.7 NW00:00:04:55 4401289961019.4
OM4SW-6 30.9 SE00:00:01:42 46
GW4288 32.4 NE00:00:01:18 440224400.040.04821019.8
GW0410 32.5 W00:00:05:32 430000.010.01851018.8
FW6498 33.1 SE00:00:06:00 4902359000731018.0
CrvULibav 36.4 N00:00:23:35 37141093
OK2VOP-6 36.6 W00:00:10:23 4500.0192
OK2IGL-6 41.3 W00:00:07:01 44000911017.0
OK9CPU-9 43.0 W00:00:30:04 49461019.7
OK2CME-6 43.4 NW00:00:01:36 40282000.06861020.7
OM2RC-6 45.3 SW00:00:00:07 41141631001020.8
EW2318 47.6 NW00:00:05:17 402565000831020.0
LKMT 48.3 NE00:00:13:45 4510360811019.0
LKTB 48.3 W00:00:13:52 4614330651019.0
OK2ILA-11 50.8 NE00:00:04:42 5847989.9
OK2ILA-1 50.8 NE00:00:08:34 4561123000.02100

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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