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Weather Stations Near 49.24267 -100.59967

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW7338 0.0 00:00:02:19 37101614900.010.01441016.2
GW6068 27.5 SE00:00:02:32 37923134000351073.1
DW7576 33.9 SW00:00:04:46 38712146000461015.4
EW6077 82.3 W00:00:03:14 34131360531017.3
K0AJW-2 85.3 SW00:00:11:03
FW8407 106.7 SW00:00:03:01 38916152000491012.6
FW9747 123.5 NE00:00:02:20 34813135000451019.6
DW5459 124.2 SE00:00:02:31 33915144000411021.5
FW7163 128.1 SW00:00:02:12 371519170000521014.9
EW3711 129.5 E00:00:03:48 322979000501017.4
DW6873 138.1 SW00:00:02:29 3729125000551016.3
KC0AFB 140.8 S00:00:04:23 3999153000511015.1
CW2059 140.9 S00:00:09:11 411221169000501012.8
KC0CAU 144.3 S00:00:02:22 38716164000541019.5
KF0DL 144.8 S00:00:04:48 41613258000391012.4
Sunnyside 155.1 E00:00:02:46 361536000029990.3
EW9213 157.1 S00:00:02:52 331422165000611028.0
N1ULC 158.8 SW00:00:04:52 381317115000571011.2
EW1708 160.1 W00:00:00:43 361223102000571013.0
GW0702 171.4 S00:00:02:32 37919143000611015.7

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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