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Weather Stations Near 49.24617 -124.804

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
CW4610 0.0 00:00:00:30 584722500.030.03631003.6
VA7NIC-10 1.5 SE00:00:08:48 5100800.020.02781003.6
FW6973 9.0 NW00:00:14:49 543912900.050.05761004.7
FW8972 19.6 N00:00:00:35 5531219400.10.1521003.1
GW0363 26.4 E00:00:08:26 542335100.030.03661007.8
VE7OTD 27.6 NW00:00:08:03 584711200.150.1566998.0
GW5549 45.1 E00:00:04:45 540413100.160.15721004.3
DW2891 46.3 E00:00:14:24 50001100.170.16831005.0
VE7PRT-1 48.4 SW00:00:10:18 522012800.43861005.1
EW4942 50.1 SE00:00:00:47 5002970.040.20.17831004.5
GW0877 51.0 N00:00:00:27 523126900.090.09691004.8
FW0091 52.1 N00:00:00:41 563627300.170.17621002.8
FW0249 78.4 SE00:00:00:14 511101090.020.140.1801006.1
KJ6EI 78.8 SE00:00:00:34 532610300.070.05731003.0
FW3698 83.6 E00:12:44:22 48031130.020.020.02951000.9
CW4635 93.7 SE00:00:00:00 5259158000811003.7
DW2753 95.0 SE00:00:01:20 51253700.010.01671003.2
GW2702 95.9 SE00:00:00:45 5301164000721007.5
GW3866 96.1 E00:00:00:08 51101214000821004.9
FW3594 97.1 E00:00:04:27 5651218900.150.15651004.8

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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