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Weather Stations Near 49.25967 15.23867

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
CW4772 0.0 00:00:02:27 34038100.270931003.4
EW9027 10.2 N00:00:14:01 350120600.490871005.3
OK1ZXS-6 13.8 S00:00:05:44 33259095
OK4PZ-5 15.5 SW00:00:14:45 36013500921006.0
OE3MQP-13 19.8 S00:00:06:20 0
OK3MS-5 20.1 SW00:00:04:39 350033500.380951003.5
Kosetice 21.1 NW00:00:24:23 365086
OE3AJC-13 22.5 S00:00:04:16 360023100891002.5
OE3APM-13 23.8 S00:00:02:16 35377000.210461001.8
FW4522 28.0 S00:00:04:13 3504360000881004.5
OE3XER-13 28.8 SE00:00:43:58 31
OE3MHU-12 31.1 S00:00:16:43 37255200.010881002.9
FW0386 31.9 E00:00:14:32 350112800.380921004.9
OK1ALX-6 38.6 NE00:00:04:44 3700000.450921002.5
OE3FJB-25 40.1 SW00:00:09:03 32901005.2
LKCV 41.7 N00:00:13:30 37530861003.0
OK0DV-5 43.2 NE00:00:03:15 36
OK2JF-6 45.4 NE00:00:00:44 34014300.360951074.6
OK2ZAW-23 45.4 NE00:00:05:45 37000911000.4
OK2MK-6 46.1 NE00:00:11:22 1318000.3101001.7

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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