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Weather Stations Near 49.80417 -97.20833

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
VE4WAT 0.0 00:00:02:26 40813126000291020.7
CW8306 3.0 E00:00:01:57 3623323000361023.0
VE4DRC 8.4 E00:00:04:27 393594000371023.1
FW5311 14.8 SE00:00:04:08 332494000461020.1
FW3247 16.1 E00:00:05:37 342468000431020.3
VE4GLS 25.0 S00:00:00:19 3651236000471018.6
Dw5809 25.7 NE00:00:04:35 3425910001022.2
VE4CY 35.3 NW00:00:04:41 3526226000451021.9
Sunnyside 53.3 W00:00:04:14 361536000029990.3
FW2867 86.1 S00:00:04:23 36213344000271022.6
FW9747 90.5 W00:00:03:48 34813135000451019.6
EW3711 96.4 SW00:00:00:14 321751000531017.4
GW3565 112.1 S00:00:04:30 3715360000321019.2
DW8241 115.0 S00:00:04:23 383824000371020.9
GW3576 116.6 S00:00:08:26 404726000361018.2
DW5459 142.4 SW00:00:03:59 33915144000411021.5
FW9117 160.6 SE00:00:03:10 3823287000351017.4
P9N2T7 162.5 E00:00:04:02 0001013.6
FW1401 170.4 S00:00:04:14 402426000361023.4
FW3835 170.4 SE00:00:04:26 3708296000211017.8

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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