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Weather Stations Near 49.81167 -119.474

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
EW2653 0.0 00:00:23:48 46252720.010.130.13971000.1
VE7PMC 7.3 N00:00:01:48 440330.181995.7
EW8486 15.3 W00:00:12:57 441418000.20.2871002.9
DW5735 26.2 N00:00:02:18 43362140.020.160.16941002.3
EW2704 28.8 NE00:00:04:09 45033250.010.080.0886996.3
EW0876 39.6 NE00:00:02:20 45002160.040.120.1291952.0
CW0001 59.8 NW00:00:01:45 512314700.0365999.0
EW7678 63.3 N00:00:02:18 53139700064999.7
DW2168 72.3 NW00:00:08:07 4815900.010.01711001.3
KE5JJC 77.1 SE00:00:02:29 443822600.010.01781000.9
KMASWX 78.0 NW00:00:01:42 5226330063
GW5298 78.1 NW00:00:03:57 55123010053953.0
GW2815 80.5 NW00:00:03:10 510613000.020.02571001.0
GW3556 81.0 SW00:00:02:14 274926700.140.14951000.7
FW4132 81.1 S00:00:02:47 36148400.030.03911001.9
FW6772 90.0 SW00:00:03:35 38610910.170.550.42911002.0
EW7146 91.7 SW00:00:02:08 41001330.090.330.26921014.6
CW6697 92.4 SW00:00:00:27 412721800.190.19921002.1
GW3555 92.5 SW00:00:01:25 41001860.010.310.1994948.3
FW0692 97.3 NW00:00:07:38 460317600.010.01731000.5

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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