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Weather Stations Near 52.66143 -7.2543

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
DW5174 0.0 SE00:00:02:45 4600112000721023.1
EI8EPB-1 10.9 SW00:00:04:46 4701182000831023.1
DW0427 13.6 NW00:00:17:54 440145000761024.9
D1965 18.6 NW00:00:09:43 4849124000801023.5
FW8197 22.9 NW00:00:03:50 4816134000781025.0
DW9313 26.1 SE00:00:02:26 4847101000891024.8
FW8249 27.6 N00:00:04:01 4933148000781028.4
FW4343 27.7 N00:00:01:04 4812191000761024.0
EW4645 30.6 SE00:00:04:45 4959114000891024.1
GW1754 30.8 S00:00:04:26 494965000971024.2
FW9761 43.5 SW00:00:04:29 457121000001001024.7
GW2156 51.6 SE00:00:04:29 496101100001001025.4
EW7034 63.3 NE00:00:04:42 420077000861026.4
F4142 65.0 NE00:00:09:45 4923121000751024.0
FW6683 68.5 NE00:00:03:54 4914184000761025.0
GW4474 71.7 NE00:00:04:13 5002180000721027.5
GW1296 72.6 NE00:00:03:47 4801128000861026.9
GW4027 75.9 NE00:00:01:45 45000000911021.7
EI4HQ 78.7 SW00:00:01:46 48917100000851023.4
FW5162 81.0 W00:00:04:31 47914139000761014.2

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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