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Weather Stations Near 53.61833 -10.18333

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW8420 12.6 E00:00:00:02 573640000661019.4
GW5242 14.9 SE00:00:00:02 59715133000701022.1
FW3877 76.5 NE00:00:03:03 57716173000781022.2
DW8689 92.9 E00:00:04:58 5527150000811017.9
GW1310 119.2 S00:00:09:45 5012219100.020.02881024.6
FW5162 121.3 SE00:00:11:44 48813131000801014.4
EI4HQ 155.4 SE00:00:00:03 4891696000871023.7
FW8197 162.5 SE00:00:14:00 4824141000761025.2
D1965 166.2 SE00:00:05:00 48412129000791023.7
FW8249 174.0 E00:00:14:02 5133155000781028.6
DW0427 174.0 SE00:00:01:10 460145000751025.1
EI8EPB-1 179.4 SE00:00:00:03 4802199000811023.2
FW9761 180.2 SE00:00:09:46 447111000001001025.1
DW5174 184.9 SE00:00:03:01 48012112000681023.1
FW4343 186.6 E00:00:01:24 4938141000751024.2
DW9313 200.4 SE00:00:02:43 4846104000871025.1
GW1754 201.6 SE00:00:09:43 495979000951024.4
EW4645 201.7 SE00:00:45:00 4938118000841024.4
FW3353 227.2 E00:00:00:03 4981387000861025.6
F4142 227.2 E00:00:00:04 5137124000751024.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

Click on the callsign to see station's weather history.