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Weather Stations Near 56.25583 -117.25783

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
FW0142 0.0 00:05:52:48 28000000871008.4
DW7164 56.5 SW00:00:04:13 3639106000821002.4
AV774 208.9 S00:00:04:36 46149000056997.1
FW0009 259.7 SE00:00:04:49 374101410.080.160.14761008.6
GW2426 269.4 SE00:00:03:34 39111840.070.130.1370950.7
DW8694 269.6 SE00:00:04:23 3911340.05711007.1
EW5507 270.7 SE00:00:02:31 3768154000671003.0
FW2243 271.3 SE00:00:04:06 37161480.010.060.05641007.7
FW0022 271.9 SE00:00:00:08 38582130.020.11711005.0
FW3102 279.1 SE00:00:04:38 38170.020.050.02721004.7
GW2991 280.9 SE00:00:03:47 33713167000791003.9
VA6NA 282.7 SE00:00:09:32 40671770.010.070.07751007.4
EW8501 283.5 S00:00:03:48 25048700.060.0277728.0
CW6614 284.0 SE00:00:06:23 370778000711003.9
GW1854 284.6 SE00:00:08:30 381025127000661006.1
VE6ACH 285.4 SE00:00:01:11 5315138200.020
FW3714 288.9 SE00:00:04:47 36389400.010741009.2
FW9914 300.1 SE00:00:03:20 35816126000771002.6
GW5513 320.7 SW00:00:02:16 38121160077994.0
CW8540 334.0 SE00:00:04:19 349141080.020.070.07791003.2

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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