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Weather Stations Near 6.57667 36.55067

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
GW2665 0.0 00:00:00:09 751230400.180871015.5
EW1071 451.2 S00:00:00:03 591618206.40891011.1
FW1936 979.3 SE00:00:00:28 5035110000721024.7
FQLC 1193.2 S00:01:31:17 68100120821020.0
FQPB 1196.3 SE00:01:31:17 82000781013.0
GW5755 1292.4 N00:00:02:17 7223313000581010.2
FQNP 1309.8 S00:01:31:17 7560170831016.0
FQTT 1371.9 S00:01:31:17 805070781013.0
D7023 1424.5 NE00:06:42:26 863916000711013.9
FW9894 1451.5 NE00:00:01:14 7527108000811013.1
FQQL 1466.7 S00:00:31:19 7830110831015.0
DW1785 1504.7 N00:00:00:02 00006.550
hadyos 1513.2 N00:00:06:39 680270000201013.2
CW0641 1513.7 N00:00:02:34 65310103000231003.8
A68AN-13 1520.2 NE00:00:18:22 80681012.9
GW4592 1523.7 N00:00:02:28 736749000241010.8
FW8665 1524.5 NE00:00:00:56 710015300080
CW9888 1524.9 N00:00:14:41 0001008.0
GW1000 1535.9 N00:00:03:16 7335127000201004.9
FQCH 1552.7 S00:01:31:17 7180170101019.0

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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