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Weather Stations Near KALAMAZOO, MI

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
KC8SWY-15 14.0 SW00:00:00:01 555992000391015.3
DW7918 17.9 SE00:00:01:43 5338288000451014.1
EW9318 20.0 NW00:00:02:53 5269104000421012.6
W8DF 23.3 E00:00:10:21 000000100975.6
K8DJB-1 26.8 NW00:00:09:23 553822000421013.6
N8CTB 28.4 N00:00:03:01 5261076000441014.5
EW0177 32.3 NW00:00:07:52 553623000501013.8
DW6683 34.5 NW00:00:02:26 5371145000411014.6
CW9134 35.1 N00:00:08:05 5524140000371018.7
CW6936 39.1 NW00:00:03:05 533870000411014.3
FW7481 41.7 N00:00:00:34 5305000401012.7
K9ZOG 41.9 NW00:00:04:07 52334000471015.0
KE8RXN 42.8 NW00:00:04:47 5433107000381018.2
FW1273 43.1 NW00:00:01:49 5239106000491015.0
KD8DLP-13 44.0 NW00:00:01:48 5522158000391015.5
CW9372 44.2 NW00:00:00:23 575000441014.9
CW9861 44.7 N00:00:03:11 542798000411013.3
AD8HP 45.8 SE00:00:03:04 52410360000441014.7
FW1266 46.1 NW00:00:01:34 4147271000591014.6
GW5328 48.0 NE00:00:00:56 5236150000361014.6

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

Click on the callsign to see station's weather history.