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Weather Stations Near 48.1902 -112.704

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
GW1987 42.9 NE00:00:00:58 4361436000.01058913.4
FW8512 54.3 NE00:00:01:37 475915500.010431005.8
GW0664 54.5 NE00:00:00:52 45411172000621001.3
DW0975 55.2 NE00:00:00:57 4300000671008.7
FW8513 63.8 NE00:00:00:47 43617170000631002.1
fw8494 70.7 NE00:00:00:52 4391110621004.2
FW5680 71.7 E00:00:01:14 4691320611006.0
GW5346 72.0 E00:00:00:52 47915130000571001.8
GW1785 75.4 E00:00:00:40 50213113000531001.6
GW5208 75.6 E00:00:01:23 47113103000561002.6
GW5361 76.6 SW00:00:01:38 411533300.020.02761000.1
GW3067 76.8 S00:00:00:54 424824600.020.02721000.6
FW3045 78.4 W00:00:01:36 4925129000631000.1
FW9201 79.7 SE00:00:00:20 4756173000661000.3
GW4017 82.3 E00:00:01:13 4905112000511001.4
FW5493 82.4 SE00:00:01:08 49612171000511003.4
ew4238 82.6 NE00:00:00:38 44310170000631005.7
DW9605 82.9 E00:00:00:27 46513165000581004.5
FW5910 85.2 W00:00:04:09 502616200.010.01631000.4
W7YP 85.5 W00:00:02:20 460116900.020.02681001.6

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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