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Weather Stations Near WD4IXD

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
GW1361 12.5 NW00:00:06:05 101224000841018.2
EW5824 17.9 NE00:00:04:18 1048358000821016.9
GW5387 28.5 SE00:00:04:42 16101216200891012.0
GW1334 33.8 N00:00:05:29 971063000831020.1
GW5945 35.8 NW00:00:04:35 314135000851014.1
EW2131 42.5 NW00:00:08:26 60088000821010.2
GW2678 49.0 N00:00:03:35 1039132000841019.0
GW3548 49.7 N00:00:05:48 1071236000821018.4
DW1088 51.2 N00:00:06:10 841165000841019.0
AC0KA-1 61.4 NW00:00:00:32 2046156
GW3535 62.0 N00:00:05:49 814148000841019.8
GW3520 62.9 N00:00:05:43 923128000821018.0
FW8077 63.2 N00:00:04:38 957106000841022.0
CW5478 92.0 SW00:00:00:00 1657135000841015.2
K0QMS 189.1 SW00:00:04:52 3001247000461012.3
CW6099 205.2 SE00:00:08:49 12122053000631021.0
DW6957 219.4 SE00:00:00:14 24142034000761018.7
KG5RGN-13 248.8 SW00:00:04:44 340049000100
EW4986 281.7 SW00:00:04:37 5003135000371013.1
CW3873 283.5 SW00:00:15:00 5038271000361012.6

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

Click on the callsign to see station's weather history.