Tide Stations

distancereference number name latitude longitude
0.72914 St. George, Staten Island, New York 40.6433 -74.0733
1.0625 Constable Hook, Upper Bay, New Jersey 40.655 -74.085
1.01508 Kill Van Kull, Constable Hook, New Jersey 40.655 -74.0867
2.61039 Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York 40.6067 -74.055
2.61040 Fort Wadsworth, The Narrows, Staten Island, New Yor 40.6067 -74.055
3.51023 Fort Hamilton, The Narrows, Brooklyn, New York 40.6083 -74.035
3.7234 Bergen Point West Reach, Kill Van Kull, New York 40.64 -74.1467
3.92372 Port Elizabeth, New Jersey 40.6733 -74.14
3.92373 Port Elizabeth, Newark Bay, New Jersey 40.6733 -74.14
4.02403 Port Newark Terminal, New Jersey 40.6833 -74.1333
4.61132 Gowanus Bay, New York 40.665 -74.0133
5.51479 Kearney Point, Hackensack River, New Jersey 40.7283 -74.1033
5.63070 The Battery, New York Harbor, New York 40.7 -74.015
5.82389 Port Ivory, Howland Hook, Arthur Kill, New York 40.645 -74.18
5.92056 Norton Point, Gravesend Bay, Brooklyn, New York 40.59 -73.9983
5.92319 Point No Point, Passaic River, New Jersey 40.7317 -74.1167
6.61151 Great Kills Harbor, New York 40.5433 -74.14
6.856 Amtrak RR. swing bridge, Hackensack River, New Jers 40.7517 -74.0967
7.0352 Brooklyn Bridge, East River, New York, New York 40.7033 -73.9883
7.3532 Chelsea, Arthur Kill, New Jersey 40.6 -74.2
7.4623 Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York 40.5667 -73.9833
7.7353 Brooklyn Navy Yard, Wallabout Bay, East River, New 40.7067 -73.975
8.2471 Carteret, Arthur Kill, New Jersey 40.5867 -74.21
8.23349 Williamsburg Bridge, East River, New York, New York 40.7117 -73.9683
8.63284 Weehawken, Union City, New Jersey 40.765 -74.0183